
Transformational Self Knowledge Available

Brand development begins with self knowledge. It doesn't matter if what's being branded is an individual, a non-profit, a product, a service, or a global corporation. It's all the same. Know they self.

Know who you've been, who you are, and who you want to become.

Know your value to others.

In the months since closing Andrews/Hobbs Design Co. I've discovered that there's a hunger for the kind of self awareness that allows one to live a more intentional life.

So I've decided to work on developing a book and perhaps a workshop to help more people and organizations than I can do on a one-on-one basis.

While I'm working on this next project I am available for short duration branding, marketing, and design consultation.

Please feel free to contact me on Linkedin if you are interested in my services.

Duane (DF) Hobbs

Linkedin Profile